Sunday 7 June 2009

Go and get It – Love

Yes, there is this Love. There is this unsentimental, purely rich and seldom Thing, that all human beings are striving for. There is this beautiful Caress which can not be touched, but which touches all who are really sensitive, deeply thoughtful, intensely wise, who do not fear to be hurt by the insensitive, thoughtless and stupid people in this world. This Love requires courage, not the courage of a hero blindly functioning according to the plan of authority and power, but the courage of the truly open heart and mind for the unknown answers of suffering people all over the world. This courage and Love does not separate, and is not the result of separation of any kind. This Love does not divide the world in different religious, political, social, philosophical or scientific movements, It is utter beyond separation, It has absolutely nothing to do with sectarianism, this morality of selfishness and egocentricity, these systems of borders and walls and these daughters of the idea of “together we can make it, together we are strong”. Love is not a mass phenomena, Love is seldom and only when there is loneliness understood, when there is fear (of death) understood, when there is Truth, Reality and Wisdom understood, then there is real Love, that has no opposite and that is not coming into existence out of the opposite, that never changes, although It is flexible and not stiff and not hard, but soft, strong, direct, seductive and beautiful. This Love never dies, therefore It never fears death, since death is non-existing. This Love never hates, therefore It never hurts, since hate hurts itself. This Love never lies, therefore It always “speaks” the Truth, since a lie would be a separate thing, but Love does not separate. This Love is all at once, therefore “you” can discover It right away, since Love gives always the opportunity to be discovered. This Love never confuses, therefore It is always clear, since clarity is Its fundamental character. And this Love is what you really Want to feel, what you Want to understand, what you really Want to see, taste and breath. This Love is actually all you really Want – go and discover It.

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