Monday, 8 June 2009

Go and get It – Reality

Yes, there is this Reality. There is only one Reality, which is undivided, whole, holy, complete and full. This Reality is not the composition of parts, It is not constituted of all the single parts that could be localized with rough and crude physical observation, and It is not the mere more-than-the-sum-of-Its-parts. Indeed, there is no part, there is no constituent, there is no single one that could be localized, and there is no togetherness. Therefore It is “all” whole, not just “a” wholeness, not just “a” holiness, but just undivided existence. However you name It, all names are wrong, all names are limited, all names are divisions und separations that do not count for that Reality. That Reality can therefore not be described, since it can not be conceived. And “you” are this Reality, “you” are not separate from It, It is not outside of “you”, and It is not inside of “you”. This Reality is neither inside nor outside, by Itself, whenever you think you got that Reality, you miss something, missing has the tendency to identify itself with something that can be localized, the missing is localizing something in order to escape the missing-situation and missing-reality. The missing-reality Is not that Reality, and it does not want to see, feel, watch, observe, taste, live and be itself. But the movement of that missing-reality is the missing-reality and that is the tendency of all manifested existence, of all “outer” experience. That only one Reality that is beauty and whole is the only inner movement that is silent and calm, therefore we name It inner movement. All “outer” movement appear as thinking and conceiving, which is traditionally expected as an “inner” movement, but only that Reality that is beauty and whole and holy, is the only true and real inner movement of all existence, It is the core of existence, the secret and apparently hidden fact of existence. That Reality is neither movement nor non-movement as imagined by everyday experience of the crude and rough physical world. That Reality is not a result of energy, It is Energy Itself, which Is the fundamental Doing. That fundamental Doing has no direction as only Itself, has no goal or purpose to fulfil, It is the beauty of existence, that is there without a source, without a cause and is not the effect of something or nothing. That Reality has no past and no future, it is always presence and always already pure and honest, and It is a living “Thing”, the only one and true Reality, always there to be discovered at any time. That Reality is all you really Want to understand – go, understand and live It

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